4 items

Collection of AVRO Weapons Testing Report and Cartoons

47 items

Research and Development for the British Space Programme

17 items

Commonwealth Spaceflight Symposium Papers

33 items

Materials on Oxygen Systems and Equipment

12 items

Papers and Publications on Oxygen Regulation and Supply

10 items

Symposium on Space Medicine Papers

A paper discussing the basic environmental requirements for a manned space vehicle and the equipment needed to create and maintain the conditions. Includes illustrative graphs, tables, photographs and drawings to aid design.

Cabin Conditioning Equipment for a Manned Satellite

A paper discussing the basic environmental requirements for a manned space vehicle and the equipment needed to create and maintain the conditions. Includes illustrative graphs, tables, photographs and drawings to aid design.

Cabin Conditioning Equipment for a Manned Satellite

This report written by the engineer George Beardshall records the effectiveness of weapons, machine guns, bombs and rockets, being tested in 1944 at Boscombe Down. The report also mentions a form of locating radar known by the code name 'Village Inn' that allowed the tail gunner to track distant enemy aircraft.

Report on Bombing, Gunnery, and Rocket Demonstrations at Boscombe Down on the 12.10.44.

A paper proposing an alternative oxygen system for V-Bombers to accompany a Normalair demonstration of a full pressure suit. Includes a description of the current V Bomber System, basic requirements and details of six alternative systems with illustrative drawings.

General Summary of the Implications of Considering an Alternative Oxygen System for the Moving Crew of V Bombers